Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I had "A Moment"

You will not grow if you sit
in a beautiful flower garden,
but you will grow if you are sick,
in pain, experience losses,
and if you do not put your head in the sand,
but take the pain and learn to accept it,
not as a curse or punishment
but as a gift to you
with a very, very specific purpose.
-Elisabeth Kubler-Ross-
Yesterday, I had an interesting experience at the Huntsman Cancer Hospital where I work. I had a short, but enlightening experience with a patient and their family. At that moment, I recognized why I have been through some of my trials. I was blessed to interact, in some small way, with another human being, who is going through a painful and overwhelming time. I 'connected' with them because of my past experiences. I understood, in that moment, what it meant to be grateful for your trials.


Gram said...
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Pedaling said...

as time goes on,
you will find that you have
other moments, as well.

and then there will be some sort of understanding.

Krista said...

that's always nice when that happens. to be able to really feel empathy for someone and better be able to help them in their time of need

Dolce Vita said...

thank you for this post. it is very true and a good reminder.