Monday, April 26, 2010

Very Contoversial

Unless you have lived in any of these states, or you now live in these states, I think you should stay out of the immigration debate.

Baracko Hussein from Hawaii, and Illinois needs more information before he speaks. Let STATE government deal with it. That is one reason why we have State Governments. I have more to say about this subject. Pro and Con----


Pedaling said...

arizona has given their people the right to arm themselves without permit, and are ready to send the illegals home---it is their right!

sweet older sister said...

This certainly is not an easy issue for anyone to solve. It shows the truth to the statement found at Ecclesiates 8:9 " has dominated man to his injury."

In Luke's account of Jesus' prophecy concerning the last days he writes, "...on the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth."- Luke 21:25,26.

Man has tried many types of governments over a long period of time but none have benefited the common people or solved any of earths problems of hunger, war, strife, ect. Those who see all these things happening on the earth and have turned to God's Kingdom as mankind's ONLY hope are given encouragement by Jesus next words, "But as these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near." -Luke 21:27

Yes, we are living in the last hours of the last days. Exciting times, yet critical. Daniel's prophecy bringing us through history to these last days is about to come to it's conclusion! Dan 2:26,28,31-45.

Only God's Kingdom will be able to solve this issue of illegal immigrants, it is waaaay to complicated for any man or woman to solve for the benefit of all. Yet, Jehovah knows how and at his appointed time will do so.

sandyseashells said...

I agree with you both.

Jen said...

This can be solved. However, I have no faith in the federal government to keep our nation safe. The feds have ignored the problem and yes, now AZ will take matters into their own hands with their own money.

I also am sick of everyone acting like the illegals are taking jobs Americans "don't want." Well with unemployment hovering around 9% I have a sneaky suspicion AZ residents might take those "crappy" jobs. Whatever that means.

Oh and as far as the guns go, Sheila is right. In AZ you only needed a permit for concealed weapons, now you don't. No permits, no registration.

Sandy, if you look at your map, it is a bigger problem in AZ because of how much border we share with Mexico and how much of it is vast desert. No Rio Grande or checkpoints.

Again, I think you were very clear when you emailed me. Post it!!!