Monday, October 11, 2010


Why  VOTE?  or   Why Don't You Vote?
I think only you can answer that for yourself.

I vote because I'm the type of person who stands up for what I believe in.   By nature, and genetics, I'm a fighter.  I don't want to just watch the News and get pissed off and walk away from the TV.  I want to DO SOMETHING about it!  I speak my mind on important issues and I want to be heard.   I may not always be right.   I may not have understood everything correctly, but I try to make good choices to the best of my knowledge.   Sometimes after learning more, and listening more I may change my mind when I gain more knowledge about issues.
I consider myself open-minded, educated, and interested about what is happening around me.
My dad was a great example of standing up for what is right, and making his voice heard, in small ways.  He documented his thoughts and beliefs in journals and his own newspaper.  He sent e-mails and letters to Presidents, Senators, O'Reilly, news stations and anyone else that would listen.   My dad did everything he could for his children and grand children to live in a fair, safe, Christian world.  
His principles were founded on God's principles.

So- Why do I Vote?
Because it's the right thing to do.                                                                                                                                                      Because I feel like in some small way I'm trying to keep my children and grand children safe.


Pedaling said...

and in some small way, you are.
I'm sending my ballot in tomorrow!
very nice post.

Gram said...

I am glad to know that you have voted. Your Dad will be proud of you. It is important that all of our family members need to vote in this election. It is time to replace congress with HONEST, CARING and WISE Men and women who first serve God Almighty who loves us and secondly the citizens of our country. We then must monitor our government to be sure it is serving our US citizens.

Jen said...

All great reasons to vote. Good job.