I am, sharing my story, an entry at a time.
One of my pictures, or one journal writing or song I share.
Short 'peeks' into my world.
I feel that I have quite a story to tell.
My life has been both horrible and wonderful.
Filled with unbelievable happiness, and pain to the depths of
my heart and soul. Pieces of my heart torn and tattered.
Some pieces of my heart are gone forever, some can still be repaired, and be restored by the Creator of my being.
I cry, I laugh, I celebrate my life, and the people who are it.
I do my best to keep moving forward.
Why do people have to endure pain? Do you know? Is there an answer that is satisfying?
Enduring pain? It's all part of God's grand plan. What am I suppose to learn from this? How can I turn this pain into strength and a testimony of God's eternal plan for me. How can I help others that are in pain? I experience spiritual growth and rely on God's love & mercy, that I may never have felt before without it.
Your answer is so right and wonderful
Keep moving forward. I will TRY to get this comment on your blog. If it takes go to the next lower comment.
Have you always thought that pain and suffering is part of God's grand plan?
Is this teaching based on God's own word?
I have based my understanding of our Heavenly Father's love and mercy, in part, on a truth recorded at Proverbs 10:22, "The blessing of Jehovah-that is what makes rich, and he adds no pain with it."
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