Friday, August 21, 2009

Faith and Mountains


I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain,
"move from here to there" and it will move.
Matthew 17:20
(This was posted on Dad's blog today from his own thoughts, on his calendar.)

Many of you may have noticed that I where this bracelet everyday. Some may not have noticed also. It's discrete. I wear it on my left wrist. Here's the story.
Over a year ago my life took a abrupt turn. Temporarily immobilized me. Stopped me in my tracks. Knocked me off my feet.
My girlfriend Josie, gave this to me as a gift. (July 2008)
Everyday, after my morning prayer I put it on.
Every night after my bedtime prayer, I take it off.
It's like a prayer bracelet, reminder of how much God loves me, and hears and answers prayers.
Thank you all who have prayed for me. God has heard them, and blessed me.


Pedaling said...

faith is commonly unrecognized for the power it holds.

Gram said...

What a nice gift that you received from Josie. Faith is very important in this mortal life. My faith in Jesus Christ sustains me and faith in Christ will do the same for you. Prayers do strenghten me and my prayers for you along with those of many others will continue to strenghten you. .

Brandi said...

The Lord will always bless and prosper those that believe on his name.
The Lord knows our needs and as we rely on him our faith can become a powerful, sustaining, and awe inspiring force in our lives.
Faith has always played a vital part of my own life. Even today I am still amazed at how this simple principal of trusting and doing the things in which the Lord asks us to do, really can and does move mountains!