Monday, August 31, 2009

Jinxy is sick.

I was wandering today...
Does the pain- over 'loosing' a pet change--
Depending on what kind of Pet?
If you 'loose' your pet fish,
does it hurt less than 'loosing' your pet cat?
If your pet turtle dies,
are you as sad as if your pet snake dies?
And, 'heaven forbid'----
if your dog dies.
Who decides, the amount of pain you feel,
over the loss of a pet?
To me,
the loss of a pet, is the loss of a pet, and the pain, is the pain, is the pain.


Pedaling said...

oh, no!
even i love jinxy and we haven't even properly bonded!
i am so sorry.
and the pain is worse for cats and dogs- i feel zero sorrow flushing a fish down the toilet or putting a turtle, snake or any reptile to rest.
hamsters- the same- kinda glad to see 'em go...
but cats and dogs....that's different.
so sorry, sandy.

sweet older sister said...

I am so very sorry! I hate when our pets get sick. Watching them deteriorate is worse than anything. Yes, we miss our dogs and cats when they die. When our bird died, that was very sad too (He used to wake me every morning, by flying to my room, then would take a shower with me.)

Fish, hamsters, any reptile, I have the same opinion as Sheila.

Krista said...

i've never heard of jinxy before.
i agree with my mom.
although i don't think i've ever felt as close to cats as i have to our dog, abby.

Gram said...

I can't help but become attached to any pet that I ever had or that my children have. Yes, to me dogs and cats are definitely a member of any loving family. I have many wonderful memories of pets that have passed on. Sometimes tears form when I think of them. The longer they are with us the harder the pain is when we loose them. I suggest you take pictures of your pets. I did not take enough pictures of our pets.