Monday, August 10, 2009

"When the government fears the people there is liberty;
when the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
-Thomas Jefferson-


Pedaling said...

i think many in the government are starting to fear- a little- and they don't like it so they seek to destroy with lies and accusing us of what they do, what they know so well.
but they are wrong.
they just do not get the american people, they are so out of touch, they just don't get it.

Jen said...

they don't care to "get it"

Gram said...

Where are true statesmen like Jefferson? He was wise and preceptive. We need to vote into govenment statesmen who stand for freedom and liberty. What we have is socialistman who wants personal power and supports and is practicing an economy planned to control the government based on ownership of public utilities, BASIC Industries etc. (dictionary meaning of statesocialist.)what is next? health programs, Radios & TV communication, Internet, Heaven forbid, not religion.

Jen said...

Grandma, Dan and I listened to an over the phone town hall with Rep. Jeff Flake. I believe he is that type of statesman. I was proud to have voted for him and proud of what he is trying to do in the House.