Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Brooke and Kempton

Well, Lookie there. How 'bout that hair? Here's my new little grand daughter and the Big Brother. We love her hair, and those kissable cheeks. Big brother is a happy 2 year old. I'm so glad I got to be here with Curtiss and Jen for the new arrival. I like being Grandma Sugar.

"There's no one quicker on the draw, then a grand-parent pulling out their wallet to show you a picture of their grand-kids."


Pedaling said...

hair like her grandma!
she is a beauty...all girl!

sweet older sister said...

I LOVE it! Sooo cute! And as I have mentioned previously, Brooke reminds me of you, when you were born. And need I say again, Grandma Carrie, would not allow us to touch you! Our golden-haired sister!

Now, Grandma Sugar!!!!! Big Congrats, to ALL!