Wednesday, September 9, 2009

NASCAR Grandma and son

On the way home from the water park I was pulling in the parking lot to get us some lunch--- What do I see parked in the Verizon parking lot????
NASCAR driver Ryan Newman's parked there!!!
Well of course we had to check it out!
It was the cutest thing. I soon as I open the car door, to get Kempton out of his seat, His eyes got big and he started saying-
"VROOM VROOOM!" He KNEW exactly what it was! I got pictures up close, and was able to check out the inside and the guy was explaining alot about it.
What a Fun Afternoon with my wonderful little GRANDSON!


Jen said...

that is great. Nothing better for a kid than to hang with grandma for an afternoon.

Pedaling said...

a little one on one time is just what is needed for a little grandma sugar and grandkid bonding.
so glad you got that opportunity!

also, btw- many of my blog friends are coming over griping big time on bob bennet and speaking out agains him....i'm going to link them to the gal you found that will be hopefully getting bennett out!

sweet older sister said...

Yes! NASCAR as only a boy and fanatic grandma would understand! Glad you got pictures!!! Who took them?