Friday, October 23, 2009

Just thinking again....

Are you a little busy? Do you have a lot to do?

Get to work. Worry that you won't be Able to GO to work, pick up the kids, pay the bills, put food on the table, help take care of family members, go to school, go here, go there, the list goes on and on.

Do you hear what's going on in congress?

I think a lot of us do catch a little bit of news here and there, but do we, take the time to do something

about what's going on? Sometimes it's very hard to fit one more action on our 'thing to do' list.

We WANT to. But, sometimes we rely on someone else to make a good decision, so we elect people to do that for us. But in today's world who can we trust?

It's hard to sort through it all.

I think the easiest or quickest thing we can do, that doesn't take to much of our time is when you hear something on the news that sounds like "Bullshit", (sorry, but that's how I feel sometimes.)

Write a quick, short note to your congressman, via e-mail, from your computer.

Leave a comment to let them know YOU ARE paying attention, and this is what you want

them to do for you. (YOU, the one that gave them the job, remember?)

Just a suggestion.

And, Yes- something STINKS in Washington!


Pedaling said...

it starts with us- we have to make the calls and send the e-mails.
i have my list and am trying to do this, for the first time in my life- regularly.....
great post!

Gram said...

I got to get addresses.

Jen said...

Grandma, I'll email them to you. Although I am not sure how I feel about Sen. Kyl from AZ, one thing I do know is he actually reads all the pages of all the legislation being proposed.

Loved the BS pic. Made me laugh.