Thursday, November 5, 2009


Anxiety- When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.
Psalm 94:19

We all have anxiety in our lives. What do you do when you have anxiety?


Pedaling said...

i hide
and i eat
(not necessarily at the same time)

Jen Beals said...

apparently now i craft or make stuff out of crap

Gram said...

Take it to God in prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Then listen for the small soft voice that comes to your mind. I try to work in a nap (but not an all day one.)

Brandi said...

I don't normally feel anxious, but more frustration. I normally complain, freak, and then try to take a couple of breathes. Maybe I should try the breathes first.

sweet older sister said...

I pray and read the Bible, Praying is pouring out my deepest heartfelt feelings to our Almighty God, then reading His word the Bible, which has the answer to every problem no matter who we are or where we live.

Pedaling said...

i like everyone elses suggestions better....maybe i'll try them.

Jen said...

I am totally impatient with everyone about every thing.

I think Grandma, of course, has the correct answer. I'd be happy getting a 20 min. uninterrupted nap.