"If you cannot convince them, confuse them."
-Harry S. Truman-
It's reassuring to know that many Americans, confused about all the rhetoric, and bullshit flying around in Washington, have been paying more attention- and become more informed on political issues. I know, I certainly have.
Thanks to pedalingfast.blogspot.com. , Fox News , and My Dad, I have certainly learned a lot this past year. I've always been a registered voter, and voted since I was 18 in both local and national elections. I will continue to listen and learn and keep up the good fight.
Register to VOTE! Your voice counts, now more than ever.
We need to pray for our nation, follow the inspired constitution, and become active Christians. Yes let us vote for honest, humble, wise political statesmen/and stateswomen who stand for freedom and serve our citizens and their children.
gram always says the kind - right- things....
you and me, on the other hand....
"did you see his E.A.R.S?"
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