Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"My bags are packed, I'm ready to go..." (well almost)

This is how I pack.
Clothes I probably won't even unfold or wear until I get back home.
I stress out the night before and usually until I walk out the door and get in the car to leave.
I have been traveling a lot more these last 3 years. I thought that it would get easier, and simpler as much as I've had to pack lately.
These are the kind of things I keep repeating to myself..... "simplify". "nobody notices that I wear the same pair of jeans for 4 days. do they?"
"do without". "Is it really necessary?" and
"If I forget something I 'Really Need'- key word, NEED, then buy it when you get there." Oh and last but not least, "Where's the dog food?"
Any of you have some helpful hints for me? How to pack without stress?


sweet older sister said...

I've found over the years "less is more" Nobody knows you've been wearing the same jeans for 3 days. bring different tops. I try to get by with no more than two pairs of shoes.

Always wear something comfortable when traveling.

I usually tuck in my suitcase a dress and panty hose. (just in case)
As long as you got your toothbrush, you will be fine!

Pedaling said...

here's my tip:
leave in your suitcase ready to go, the following:
travel size toiletries
also small size advil/excedrin
gum-small flashlight
water botttle
soaps/shampoo small
make up-
swim suit
one necklace and pair of earings
never take this stuff out- only refill or replace

then when it's time to go, throw in a few outfits - comfy knit dress- 2 pair of pants (i would notice if you wore the same ones the whole time)
4 shirts-
hair stuff


do i do this?
no, but it's on my "get myself organized" list.

maybe i'll do it today.

sweet older sister said...

Did you see my grandkids and sugar cookie post, before the superbowl post?