Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Just a simple little American girl.

"The Battle, sir, is not to the strong alone;

it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave."

-Patrick Henry-

March 23, 1775

I am one of those 'Tea Party' people.

To me, it's not really about obama. It's more about Congress. It's about Government.

It's about government continuing to Rule and Control me. To slowly manipulate, and take my rights away.

I never have been one to let someone tell me what to do. (not for very long, or without a fight, anyway.)

I have been misled, manipulated, lied to, used and abused.

Sometimes it takes awhile to figure out what's going on when you're in the middle of it.

You rationalize it. You deny it. You accept it- just to get through one more day.

Well, I think maybe there are a lot of other AMERICANS who feel like I do.

"We're mad as hell, and we're not gonna take it anymore!"

You may have knocked me down, but I'm gonna

stand up and fight back.

1 comment:

Pedaling said...

i am so glad you went and represented!

i think i'm going to order a couple flags and other stuff for our party on the 15th.

good job!