Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Learn something new everyday

Try something new and different everyday.
Most days we all get up and have our same routine of things we do and that need to be done.
Well, some days I don't even feel like getting dressed. So I try to do or learn something new everyday. Even if it as simple as learning a new vocabulary word or watching the news. Other days I like to try bigger new things. Like learning golf, learning how to blog, learning how to edit pictures, learning how to make a new recipe, learning about politics, and cancer. The list goes on and on if I really think about.
When I'm feeling lazy, or worthless, or bored. I try to stop and think. ---- what have I done that is positive today? If I can write ONE simple thing on my list of things to do and cross it off at the end of the day, I feel better. So, keep learning, keep doing and I gotta keep moving......
Last night I went to a 'Caucus' and learned about what a 'Delegate' does.
Very interesting and now I understand that part of the political process more.


Gram said...

I like your attitude. Keep on doing something different every day. I'll try to do the same.

Dolce Vita said...

I agree, I love to learn new things. It's like the quote Oprah always says (I know she is annyoing but I like this quote) When you know better you do better. The think the more you know and understand the better your life can be