Sunday, March 14, 2010

When I lay My Isaac Down -Carol Kent

Genesis 22
"Unshakable faith in Unthinkable Circumstances."
I still can't write or organized my many thoughts on this subject.
The story of Abraham and Isaac. I have a heart full and head full of thoughts swirling around, but cannot speak them yet.
Carol Kent has expressed herself and experience of her 'Isaac' so well and the lesson of Abraham in a compelling, thought provoking way.
"Slowly, it dawned on me that one of my initial steps in making a heart sacrifice was to internalize the belief that God loves me even more than I love my son. That was a wild and radical thought because I love my son so much. But He loves my son more than I do. Could that be possible? If so, then perhaps I could begin to ease my grip on these sad circumstances as my first move toward the alter. I had much to learn about heart sacrifices. As defined by the dictionary, a sacrifice is "an act of offering to a deity something precious, something offered in sacrifice; it's surrender of something for the sake of something else, something given up. " ....
The high value of our Isaac is what makes the sacrifice so demanding, because we don't know ahead of time if we'll get our Isaac back." -Carol Kent
Another reminder to me of God and Jesus's love.
John 11:33-35 When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled, ... Jesus wept.
(Jesus wept? even though he knew the final outcome? yes, Jesus wept.)
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.


pennington family said...

Sounds like a very insightful book. Things will work out, God knows what's in your heart and were all praying!

sweet older sister said...

The more we get to know Jehovah God, the more we understand his purpose and his ways, then it becomes easier to trust and our faith grows.

Continue to examine Jesus life on earth, because he reflected his Father perfectly. May we try our best to follow in his footsteps, always behaving as Jesus did in all situations.