Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth day and poetry

So I guess today is "earth day". Whatever that is.

Isn't every day you live on earth, "earth day"??

April is National Poetry Month. Who thinks this stuff up?

So, here's a silly Poem

for 'earth day' and poetry Month.
My socks were very dirty, So I washed them in the Lake.
It wasn't long before I knew I'd made a big mistake.
The water changed from clear to mud. Then fumes began to rise.
And soon a cloud of air pollution covered up the skies.
When bullfrogs started croaking and ducks began to quack,
Some campers started chanting, "we want our clean lake back."
I've got a pile of dirty socks. I'm in an awful bind.
I guess I have to bury them.
I hope the worms don't mind. -bruce lansky


pennington family said...

Too funny! You find some of the cutest things! (I had no idea it was earth day, my kids had to tell me!)

Pedaling said...

earth day is a day the left made up to promote global warming...yeah, all the kids know, as thats how they make the regime roll forward...through the children.

i like the poem!

sweet older sister said...

I like your poem too! Heee Heee.

I think everyday should be earth day. After all, it is such a beautiful, lovely creation! Look at all the colors in flowers, and humor in baby animals, the wonder of butterflies and birds and bees and .... And the oceans filled with life.

No matter what man may or may not do to the earth, it is wonderfully made, When it gets out of balance, it can clean itself up, if left alone. Yes, the earth was made to be inhabited forever, by appreciative people!

Gram said...

I say "Amen" to older sister,s comment.

Jen said...

Earth what?