Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Whatever works

Complementary & Alternative Medicine.
I think it's natural to look for cures, treatments, and different therapies to deal with ones illness, pain, and stress.  For me, just having a medical doctor hand me a pill to take everyday, has not cured any of my chronic problems.   A pill helps, but I also  believe in a holistic approach. 
Here's some things I've tried and some I haven't tried yet.   I'm of the thought,
"Whatever works!"
Treat the mind, body and spirit.
Meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, yoga, creative outlets, art, music, dance, sports.
Nutrition-food, vitamins, and herbs.
Energy Medicine-Energy medicine involves the belief that the body has energy fields that can be used for healing and wellness.    Such as, Tai Chi, Reiki, & Therapeutic touch.
Whole Medical Systems--These are healing systems and beliefs that have evolved over time in different cultures and parts of the world. 
Ayurvedic medicine- I had never heard of this one.  A system from India emphasizing balance among body, mind, and spirit.
Chinese medicine:  Based on the view that health is a balance in the body of two forces called ying and yang.
Acupuncture- is a common practice in Chinese medicine that involves stimulating specific points on the body to promote health, or to lessen disease symptoms and treatment side effects.
Homeopathy- Uses very small does of substances to trigger the body to heal itself.
Naturopathic medicine-Uses different methods that help the body naturally heal itself.

Well, that's some of my thoughts for the day.  I have to get up and stretch now, my back is killing me.

for more info.  http://nccam.nih.gov/


Pedaling said...

you should hear what ted is doing right now!!!

pennington family said...

We are big on the homeopathic approach and it works awesome for us, plus a lot of whole foods, its kind of blessing Sam was diagnosed with celiac its made me really study alternative medicines, thank you for that website! Keep your back stretched!

sweet older sister said...

I feel a balance in medical treatment is the best, and being an informed patient. Since, self-control is one of the fruitages of God's spirit, I would not recommend any treatment that allows someone else control over your mind or body. Treating the whole person, not just the disease is important to me. Meditating on scriptural thoughts can be very healing, but emptying your mind and chanting is part of some false religious practices that Christians want to avoid. Homeopathic medicine has given me good results! Good Diet is important to allow the body to heal itself.

Good post! Thanks!

Jen said...

I think we all agree with you. Figure out what works for ya. I know for me, I have to try a little of everything but being as close to nature works the best, for me.

And what is Ted doing? Voo Doo?!

Lindsey Buck said...

Oh I should look into that kind of thing. I have a bad back and haven't found much that helps it other than pain meds... thanks for the list! Love your blog!