Friday, June 4, 2010

quick trip

A quick trip down to Mesa. 
I got to be with my mom and see my kids.
I love Arizona. 
I will probably retire there.  But not in the Phoenix area.  It's too hot, too crowded, too much asphalt, and too many block walls.   Flagstaff,  Prescott, or Payson area are my kind of towns.
I was glad I got to see some of my family members while I was there.
Me and Mom always have fun together and make each other laugh.  I give her a hard time sometimes and tease her a lot.  She is such a strong wonderful woman.
(I have more pictures, but they're in my 'Droid' and I'm still learning how to download,  find, and retrieve them.  It's Fun and Frustrating to learn.)


Gram said...

I had a great visit with sandy.
She is kind and patient with me.
I also got to see and visit her children (my grandchildren)and
Pat and Merrilee. It was a short visit but a happy one. I love when my children, family members and friends visit me.

Gram said...

Thanks, Sandy. Lets do it again sometime in the future.

In the wine country said...

I love to hear about your trips! Looking forward to seeing more pictures!

When you retire to Arizona, make sure you have a place with a deep well.

I love your Motel pic! I used to look for that sign coming from Globe after school, it meant I was almost home!

sweet older sister said...

ooops that was my Comment NOT Dennis' Luv Ya!

Jess said...

Love to see your blog! Your mom is so sweet and I have always loved her laugh. Where are you living in CA?

Krista said...

cute picture!

Brandi said...

Very nice.
Is that motel sign still in Mesa??!!

Pedaling said...

using your phone- e-mail the pictures you took to yourself. then you should be able to save them on your computer and post them wherever and however you wish. :)