Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Spontaneous Saturday Afternoon

Last Saturday, Greg and I went on a little spontaneous drive together.  Our 1st stop was in Park City to say hi to my cousin Shari and her husband Chris.  She was here for her daughter's softball tournament.
Then we headed toward Heber Utah.  We crossed over the Provo river.  It's really clear and Greg has fished there before and caught some great trout. 
We also stopped and ate lunch in Midway at a little Mexican Restaurant called
I FINALLY found a Mexican place in Utah that I really, like!!   It was Delicious!   
We also saw this roadside fruit stand, and had to stop and get some sweet corn and watermelon. 
Random, spontaneous, adventures sometimes turn out to be the best days!


sweet older sister said...

Very nice road trip! Great pictures! What did you order at the mexican resturant? And did Greg catch any trout on this trip?

Nice to see Shari and her family!

Pedaling said...

Yay for Shari and gang.
I'll have to try that mexican food restaurant....we should do lunch!
TJ is doing a half marathon down along the provo river this saturday!

Jen said...

Oh I miss the Provo River. It is so pretty and COLD!

Wish I would have known about that Mexican food place years ago. That would have been very helpful.