Sunday, September 26, 2010

I'm Voting YES on AZ Proposition 203

Proposition 203 on the Arizona ballot this November has to do with legalizing medical marijuana for treating a wide range of  debilitating medical conditions.  Marijuana's recorded use as a medicine goes back nearly 5,000 years, and modern medical research has confirmed beneficial uses for marijuana in treating or alleviation of pain,  nausea and other symptoms associated with a variety of debilitating medical conditions, including cancer, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, HIV, hepatitis C, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Crohn's disease, agitation of Alzheimer's disease, cachexia or wasting system, severe and chronic pain, severe nausea, seizures, and severe and persistent muscle spasms, including those caused by multiple sclerosis.
      The 'General Public' hears the word marijuana and due to ignorance and fear, their mind goes to the word 'drug addict'.   While it is true, some people abuse this drug and don't use it for medical reasons, it is also true that it could benefit many.   It is also true, that many people abuse pain killers, sleep aides, alcohol, Ritalin, coffee/caffeine, and on and on.
There is a BIG difference between "using" drugs and "abusing" drugs.  
Pain killers in this country, which by the way, come from plants, such as poppies, coco plants, tree bark, etc, are widely abused, and do way more damage to your kidneys, liver, and vital organs by using them for long term use.   Why is it herbs, and vitamins, and certain plants are acceptable for certain aliments, but the word marijuana freaks people out?   There are good reasons to prescribe medication to patients for relief.
       If your fear is that more of our children will start smoking marijuana, you're kidding yourself.  Just as kids that want to try and experiment with alcohol and drugs, the kids already know where to get them and party with them.   Ask any high school kid where you can get some alcohol, vicadon, Oxycontin, adderal, cigarettes, downers, etc, and they can tell you.  They may not use any of them, but they know which kid can get it for them.   Kids need to be taught about the dangers of abusing all medications. 
    I'm not for recreational use of medical marijuana, or pain killers, or any medication that you are using to 'get high'.   I do feel there is a place for marijuana as medicine for many physical problems. 
    As with anything, get educated before making decisions about things you have limited knowledge about.

By the way,   I don't use marijuana.    
I have taken care of patients who benefit from its uses though.    They were not high, or acting crazy, or violent.  They did get some relief of their physical symptoms because of marijuana as medicine.  They are "normal, law-abiding, upstanding citizens, with jobs, and families.

So.......  I'm Voting YES  on Proposition 203!


pennington family said...

I was just talking to ev about this proposition. I've been completely clueless that we could vote for it, I've never used this drug, though I have seen it used for recreational use first hand, not sure which way I'll go. Do you think crime rate or drug trafficing will come down if is legalized?

Jen said...

My question is why isn't doob in pill form like the medicine from most other drugs?

I tend to be a bit skeptical about those who insist they cannot find relief unless they smoke it.

Ellyse V. Girod said...

Alisha, yes it will cut down on crime and drug trafficking because it will no longer be a crime, and the need for trafficking consequently should drop. Why buy illegally from places in mexico when you can get it locally?
Marijuana does come in pill form, chemist simply extract the THC from the plant and put it in a nice little package for you to swallow. Question is why process the plant, add chemicals and change something natural into something man made. If you wanted a less harmful and more socially acceptable way of ingesting it, Tea would be a more natural avenue than pill form. I think in times like these we need to look at why it was illegal in the first place.
Either way I suppose it's time to start thinking about different solutions to a definite problem.

Pedaling said...

i'd vote against it.