Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mother's Day for me.

 Mother's Day.  One of those days that are both Happy & sad.
 A happy day thinking of all the wonderful things that my own mom  has done for me since I was a child and that she continues to do.  It also reminds me of how grateful that I am to be the mother of 3 wonderful children.
But with that happiness, comes feelings of inadequacies, guilt, & shame.  I have been both a failure & success.  I think of the 
'would a- could a- should a 's.
With that being said,  I still have today, to try to be the best mom, and Grandma.
I'm grateful for second chances.
                                                                                                    card by my son, David Paulson


Pedaling said...

Even David's doodles are pretty. He's got a gift in art and drawing.

I received a little card similar, from him. Made me happy.

Mothers Day can be bittersweet in many ways. I appreciate your positive attitude, regarding second chances.

Gram said...

I was pleased to receive a Mother's card from David, too. I will be looking for more of his art. I am a very lucky mother and grandmother to have and to love my daughters,their husbands, all of my grandchildren and great grandchildren. My loving families keep me going.