Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Random Photos (I think my computer is about to die)

 Golfing in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.  This really did make me nervous.  I was constantly looking around and I stayed far away from the water!
 MAY 7,    Ronald Curtiss  turned 30.  Happy Birthday to my son.  He also graduated with his Associate in Science and continues on his way toward being a Dentist.  He is a wonderful son, husband, and father.  A fun and loving son.  I'm so incredibly blessed to call him my son.
 I took this picture at Duke Gardens last month.  The family was out there throwing the frisbee, having a picnic, and visiting with friends.  Nice day.
Easter week-end with Brandi & Matt, and the girls.
I learned a lot and really enjoyed it.  A lot to see.  I would like to go back again.


sweet older sister said...

Very nice pictures!

Oh no! Don't die computer!!!!

Pedaling said...

Happy Birthday to Curtiss!

You've been keeping busy and having fun. I like that.

Alligators stay away!

Jen said...

I gotta know what is it about alligators? Did you have a run-in as a child in Indiana?