Thursday, May 3, 2012

"This is my thing." (Anna)

Today was 'Activity Field Day'.  Just a fun activity day outside with different activities for the kids.  They had potato sack races, and tug-of-war, & blowing bubbles.   I must say that, Anna was definitively in her element.  She is very athletic.  She doesn't mind a little skinned knee, or sweat, or getting dirty.  
When it was time to run, as she came up to the starting line,  she said;  
"Alright, this is my thing."
                    and she was right.    She got the best time in her class.
It was fun to be able to go watch her.  Cheer for her.  And take some pictures of her.  


Pedaling said...

I'm glad she figured out her thing! Love the confidence! Way to go, grandma and Anna!

Jen said...

Woo hoo! I used to love track and field days.

I love the little swagger too. We should all have some.

sweet older sister said...

I LOVE these pictures! What a happy day! Love that Anna knows what she likes. You are very blessed to have time like this for your grand girls!

Gram said...

Moms, Dads and Grandparents have fun watching cheering and applause our children's activities. I am happy for Anna and happy for g-parent, too.