Sunday, June 10, 2012

 Focusing on positives in my life.   I love were I live.  There are so many walking trails all around.    All around me are beautiful green forests.  I enjoy just walking or hiking through the forest thinking and meditating, and trying to sort through many of my racing thoughts.  It helps quiet my mind down.  It also makes me grateful that I'm still able to keep moving.  
I can't help but constantly wishing that David was here with me.  He loves the outdoors so much.  He always has.  But,  
  I have to trust that God is in control and overseeing our life's.  I feel assured that God has a special mission for David.  That He is preparing him to serve in one of the most difficult places on earth.  David's faith, and understanding of the gospel continues to grow.  As he studies the scriptures and articles we send him.  He also continues to study architecture, on his own,  but is unable at this time to take formal classes, due to cut-backs in some of the educational opportunities in there.  He is very blessed to have obtained his new job so soon.
I stay busy and try to do positive things for others.
I'm active in my support group and we are making some headway with some of our legislators regarding prison reform.  We are organizing and some people in power are listening.
Of course, I realize that, until Christ returns to earth, to reorganize his kingdom, there will be injustice and corruption .
I just feel like I should be doing 'something' out here. So, I choose to speak up for those who don't have a voice.

"Speak up for the people who have no voice, for the rights of all the down-and outers.
Speak out for justice.
Stand up for the poor and destitute."
--Proverbs 31:8-9

Good News-   As I mentioned in the e-mail I sent out to all of you regarding David's continued accomplishments.  Thank you all, for your love, support, letters, books, and prayers.  God hears and answers prayers. 

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