Saturday, September 29, 2012

Update-David (thank-you for your prayers)

The phone situation with David has not been resolved.  Good news is I did receive a letter.  David talked about positive things and what he's studying.  Bad news is, he also expressed that there is a lot of tension around. He's not sleeping well, and has to stay on his toes.  Stay alert to what's going on around him.  He rarely, almost never tells me this stuff because he's always trying to protect me. I always know though.  I'm in tune, and I can't sleep and on my toes.  I get jumpy and anxious because I feel the unrest. But I keep reassuring him that I can handle it now.  I'm stronger. He needs to be able to talk to someone. He has to always appear so 'stoic.'  Truth be known, I'll never be strong enough to not worry, cry, sobbing cry, pray, and beg God to protect him.  Like him though, we have to put on whatever face we need to, at certain moments, to survive and hang on.  I have been suffering a lot of moodiness.  Up & down. Stable and unstable.  Happy & sad.  In control. Out of control. I know you moms know what I'm saying.  To end this post on a positive though;  His brother was able to go out and visit him on Sunday, and they had a great up lifting visit.

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