Thursday, October 25, 2012

A walk through the neighborhood.

 I walk a lot with the dogs, with the kids, with Greg, or by myself.  Because we live kind of out in the country I always am in for some kind of wild life treat to see. 
 We (me & the kids) have been watching this spider make it's giant web.  I need to take my Canon camera to capture the size of his web.  It's really cool and sparkles in the sunlight. Yesterday, when we walked by him, he had a nice big fly in the center of his web for dinner.

 Yesterday, Lexi spotted this beautiful falcon fly in.  This picture doesn't do it justice, because I couldn't zoom in on him and he was way up there.  We were able to watch him for awhile while he was scanning the ground for his dinner.
Tonight while walking the path in our neighborhood I was greeted by this large beautiful owl.  He flew in, and landed on that branch.  He blended in so perfectly with the trees.  He let me get a quick picture of him, and then he was off through the woods.  It's so nice to be able to be all around these beautiful surroundings in Brandi's neighborhood, and to be able to share all these little wonders with my grand-daughters. 
'Gotta keep movin'


Pedaling said...

someday, i would love to serve a mission with ted in that part of our country!

sweet older sister said...

Those pictures are wonderful, they stimulate in me, my youth, when I was free to run in forests very similar to those in n. Carolina.

The bee, the spider, the falcon, the owl and most importantly the person next to you. What nice experiences, thanks for sharing