Thursday, October 18, 2012

Girls gone Golfing and Ballot sent for Mitt Romney

 Today was a Great day to get out and 'WHACK' some balls around.
Brandi and I did pretty darn good too.  We didn't loose any balls.  Managed to stay on the fairway most of the time.  And drove the golf ball over two water hazards in one shot.  That's good.  As you can see above, I did 'represent' for Curtiss, Arizona State Devils, and wore my golf shirt, while Brandi wore her UNC Tar-heels hat.
(with 2 kids in Universities I try to give both equal representation:)
Then she took me out to lunch to Neal's Deli, a favorite around here.  She loves their pastrami sandwiches.  Their pastrami IS really good, and really lean.
Well, here it is!  My VOTE counts, and it's no Secret who I marked for the next President of the United States. 
We can not survive another 4 years with obama
unless of course, you want to live in a socialist country, and continue to turn more and more decisions over to government.
"I predict future happiness for Americans
if they can prevent the government from wasting the
labors of the people, under the pretense of
taking care of them."
-Thomas Jefferson


sweet older sister said...

What a wonderful day to spend with Brandi! It's good to get out in the fresh air. And a little lunch too! You both look beautiful!

Pedaling said...

just what the doctor ordered.

your vote does count....mine, not as much! But it still felt good!