Monday, August 23, 2010

SCARY and wonderful

What do these two pictures have in common?

Your eyes only see the tip.   There is a way bigger story under the surface.
Little, by little, I would like to share my story. 
I do not really look like that girl in the orange blouse.           
'Under the Surface'   is very different .
It is both Scary and Wonderful under there.
(I will add to, or edit this post from time to time.)
I suffer from Panic attacks and Post traumatic stress disorder.
Right now from the back of my head to the middle of my back I have a burning sensation.
My left arm is tingling & numb down to my two middle fingers.  It feels like someone is punching me in the gut and knocking the breath out of me.  I'm hot all over.  My phone is ringing.  I can't answer it.  My fan can't blow hard or fast enough right now to cool me down. My rocking chair can't rock me fast enough.  It's like an unseen monster.  There is no obvious reason for me to feel this way.  I need to run and hide.   I can't let anyone see me like this.  I'm embarrassed, ashamed and scared.   My logical, intelligent side of brain knows it will pass. 
It's a scary monster.   Always there -somewhere.   I never know when it's going to chase me again.  I hate it!


sweet older sister said...

I like this post! Looking forward to more "under the surface"

Pedaling said...

nice post.