Monday, October 25, 2010


 As I wander around my neighborhood and observe the beauty of fall,  my thoughts are many.
What is it about fall that affects me?   I think it's because I see so many parallels to life.  My life.
As I watch the same tree everyday,  I see it Change.  Subtle and constant.   The same tree Changes colors.  It looks different than yesterday,  yet it is the same tree.   I watch the leaves Change at different speeds. Some have more light on them, some are in the shade. Some protect a nest.  Different elements affect each individual leaf on the timing of it's journey to change. 
  As I watch each leaf fall to the ground I notice that each one gently falls to the ground at it's own speed.  In it's own time.  
I use the word 'gently' because even when the wind is gusting all around, forcing the leaf to let go of the branch it has clung to all season, as it swirls and is tossed to and fro, it still lands 'gently' on the ground.   Unbroken.   With it's beauty intact.

As the leaves surround the base of the tree, there is a calmness.   The Tree stands bare.   With a firm, solid conviction that it will withstand the cold winter nights and the storms.  It's naked silhouette is beautiful against the sky.  It's strength and endurance of seasons passed is visible.   It seems to know this is just a temporary season, and when spring returns, new leaves, new beauties, new opportunities,  and new CHANGES will continue.


sweet older sister said...

I love this post and your thoughts.

I too have been observing my neighborhood fall changes. The colors are turning, not as brillant or fantastic as Indiana, but still a subtle fall feel. Hopefully I will get a pic or two before the wind blows the leaves all away.

Brandi said...

Great honest posts.
Did you write this? It's beautiful.
The leaves have finally started to change a bit here. It is one of my favorite times of year too.

sandyseashells said...

yes, I wrote it.

Gram said...

I love the fall, trees and the beautiful colors of the leaves. The last leaves that you posted reminds me of the cottonwood tree that grew outside my backdoor. We grew together until the neighbor business chopped it down. Thanks for your post of fall.

Gram said...
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