Tuesday, October 19, 2010

have a great day. yea, right

I am off centered.   Unbalanced.  Unstable.   Insecure.  Anxious.  Uncomfortable.  Unsure.

So,  I'm "out of whack". My Mind, Body, and Spirit are not in balance today.                              Intellectually, and spiritually, I know some ways to help relieve these feelings.
Let's see...   at the top of list is PRAYER and scriptures.
     "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."    Philippians 4:6
Daily prayers.  Some days I have a hard time praying, and some days I pray off and on, all day long.   Some days, after falling to my knees, all I can utter out of my mouth is, Dear Lord, help.

Exercise- Some days my exercise consists of getting out of bed, going down the stairs to let Sugar out, walking back up the stairs, looking at my bed, looking in the 'fridge, and sitting on the couch.                                                                                                                                           And other days, I get up, jog down the stairs, let Sugar out, walk around the block, jog back up the stairs, grab my gym bag, then walk/jog 2-4 miles, run errands, and vacuum and dust the house.

Meditation-  Meditation for me,  is really hard, but it is one of the most therapeutic things I need to do.   For me to just sit still, by myself, without distractions for 5 minutes  is very hard.  Some people can meditate for an hour.  My mind races. I have flight of ideas.  If I can just focus on breathing for 5-15 minutes,  that is a really big accomplishment.

Nutrition-   Good nutrition.   Eating well.  Fruits and vegetables, low fat, low sugar.  More water.  Only 1 glass of wine, instead of 2.  blah, blah, blah.   I know the routine.

Gratitude-  Recognize that all my blessings come from God.  Show gratitude.  Focus on the positive and beautiful things in my life, and the world around me.

Love-  Do small acts of kindness and show LOVE  for others throughout the day.
            Get out of my own head! 

      Let go,   Let God.     Loosen your grip.   
 Quit trying to be in Control!     Trust.  

Okay Sandy,    Now Get out there.  Put a smile on your face, and 
                                    HAVE A GREAT DAY!!                                       (yea, right) 

did I take my medication today?   hee-hee


sweet older sister said...

I have been wondering how you are! Thanks for sharing. Sending my love to you. Keep your focus. You will be alright.

sandyseashells said...

Thanks SisterS.
It's all good. That's how I roll. (I'm honest. I don't have time to be fake.) It's just Life.

Jen said...

Honestly about our situation, I think also adds strength.