Thursday, January 10, 2013

Arizona Desert

Since moving to the East coast, I have enjoyed and appreciate how beautiful it is.  I enjoy taking pictures of landscapes, all across the country.  It's funny how while growing up in Arizona, I didn't really appreciate the beauty of the desert.  I always wanted to live in the mountains with forest around.  I was attracted to places green.  The desert just seemed like a lot of brown and tan, and that got old to me.  Well I guess leaving the desert has given me a brand new appreciation for the beauty of Arizona. 


sweet older sister said...

The Arizona (Sonora Desert) is beautiful! I miss it very much.

Living amongst forest and streams is very nice too! (North Carolina, Indiana)

I know what you are talking about, The Arizona desert is beautiful, the mountains are colorful! And the stars at night are very bright, like diamonds! Or when the rain comes with the big puffy clouds can make for great lightning storms and then outstanding sunsets. Yeah, I'm with you sister.

sweet older sister said...

I am enjoying your landscape pics very much. (California Deserts, not so pretty)

Pedaling said...

I love the diversity of places in this nation. I know I appreciate the desert more than when i lived there, but it's still not my favorite. Your pics are gorgeous, though.
I think the red rock areas like lake powell are stinkin' awesome!
I love North Carolina, but hate the humidity!
i think utah is gorgeous!