Thursday, December 12, 2013



I got me a 'Coon'- HOUND DOG.  We're gonna go 'tree us some coons, squirrels,  and rabbits, for dinner. Hahaha.
She is wonderful.  I adopted her from the Pound. She was in foster care for awhile too.  She has had "MANNERS TRAINING".  Which means she knows basic commands, like sit, stay, down, come, house trained, jumps right up in the car and travels well,  and walks well on a leash without 'pulling'.  Her name was already REMI, so I'm keeping it that way.
She's approximately 5 years old.  She's intelligent, loving, and affectionate.
She's friendly and gets a long well with Patch and the KIDS. (obviously, hence; THE DRESS)  
I love her.  We are a good match for each other.


sweet older sister said...

Remi is a very nice name! Yep, she looks like a very good match for you and your gypsy lifestyle. Looking forward to meeting her one day.

So happy for you!

Pedaling said...

She is sooo cute!