Saturday, September 12, 2009

Just 2 American Patriots trying to be heard.

My Mom and I ventured out to the State Capitol today to join in with 10's of thousand's of other Americans to support our frustration with the direction our United States government is going.
My Mom and Dad taught me to love God, love my family, and stand up for what is right.
My parents taught me good values and principles. They are a great example of the values to all that are around them. We are just 2 grandma's who want a good future for our children and grand children and fellow Americans. We may not totally agree on some subjects, but we do agree on less government involvement in our lives.
I know God has a plan. I believe that Jesus Christ is our ultimate Savior, and will return to earth, but while I'm waiting, I will do what I can to help my children and grand children to live a life of Freedom.


Pedaling said...

i like the part at the end where you said "but while i am waiting" that is exactly how i feel.

sandyseashells said...

I am proud of you girls and stand with you (sit in my case but you know what I mean.) Our Father in Heaven expects each one of us to freely LOVE one another. To LOVE one another does not mean steal from anyone but let individuals give freely to those in true need.
May our government protect us from evil and not steal from those who elect them and use their privileged power to force us to do what is not wanted.

sandyseashells said...

The above remarks are from Grandma and not Sandyseashells.

Nacilbupera said...


We view your stand and sacrifice of time as a patriotic event to be honored just as Washington leading the fight of the Revolution or Paine writing a pamphlet on his beliefs.

We wish we could have joined with you: we were with you in our hearts.

We join with you in supporting Cherilyn Eager.