Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Pedaling said...

i'm going to take half your candy-
going to monitor your internet- ban your favorite news channel,cuz it ain't really news and is an enemy to america, going to promote cap and trade, maybe send more troops over to afganistan...still thinking on that one...i'm gonna crybaby cry a little here in between- going to go to Copenhagen in december to sign away your rights and override the constitution- oh,and last but not least, i'm going to take away your healthcare- and give you what i want you to have......

Jen said...

But I'm going to keep my health care and you might get okay health care depending on if your state Senator has enough power to call in favors. If you are from a Red State-good luck there.

More than anything,though, I am going to make sure that every thing you do, touch, buy, create or think has my approval. All Hail the King!

sandyseashells said...


Pedaling said...

boo, at 10 years old said this morning as we listened to talk radio on the way to school, referring to obama
"Who does he think he is?
King George?"

yep, she's my child, alright.

Anonymous said...

hahaha that's funny!