Friday, October 23, 2009

I LIKE TREES. sequoia, buckeyes, weeping willows, orange, cherry, and others.
what d0 you like???


Pedaling said...

i like pine trees, they smell so good.
i also like trees with changing color leaves- but then they fall and make a mess, but who cares, i don't rake them up anyway- the wind just eventually blows 'em into my neighbors yard....just kidding.

i'm not really sure where the wind blows them.

Gram said...

I think you already know that I like trees too. I had a favorite cottonwood tree outside my childhood home that I loved to climb when young. I loved to play in the woods when I visited my cousins who lived right beside the woods. And now that I am old I love to sit in the shade of trees.

sweet older sister said...

I love to examine trees, their different shapes, leaves, flowers and fruit. I used to draw trees when I was young. To think that the giant sequoia came from one of the tiniest of seeds is mind boggling. And how the water from the roots reach the top most branches. What glory these creative works give to our Grand Creator!

I should do a post on trees I love, their are soooo many!

Jen said...

Magnolias, of course!

In the wine country said...

fig trees, love its fruit.