Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'm really enjoying Fall----

In Utah, and Northern California, it's changing seasons. From summer, to fall. What a great idea!
growing up in Mesa, AZ I didn't really get to experience this beautiful season.
I go for walks, and just really take all the smells, and beauty, that this season has to offer.
I really like it. I can actually wear a cute sweater, or scarf, and not sweat to death.
It's a beautiful thing.
I'm hungry for some good pumpkin bread, or apple crisps, or anything like that.
Yummy. Got any favorite recipes you want to share with me?


Jen said...

no favorite recipes but it's hard to beat a $5 pumpkin pie from Costco.

I'm with you, though, I fell in love with Fall while in Utah.

Love the pic of the two babies in towels on your sidebar.

sweet older sister said...

Mmmmm Carmel Apples! Fall in Indiana is the BEST! The Smell of bon fires and Sound of falling leaves, and the sight of oranges, yellows and reds, with the still green grass is something to really appreiciate! I'm so happy you take the time to walk in it!

sandyseashells said...

I almost bought one of those
GIANT pumpkin pies at costco yesterday. They are so big, and take up so much room in the fridge. all I want is a little sliver. I guess I could buy one, and then give the rest away.

Krista said...

i will be sharing favoriterecipes for fall soon! i love cooking & baking this time of year

Unknown said...

That apple looks so yummy! I will try to post some of my favorite fall recipes this year. I love Chili and corn bread around this time and sweet potatoes.

Pedaling said...

is matt really brandi?
the costco pies ARE yummy- but huge
i love fall too
i like pumpkin bread

sweet older sister said...

Your pumpkin people on sidebar are quite comical! Who thinks of these things??? (A redneck I'm sure!)