Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cool Campus, Amazing trees, Beautiful architecture. UNC-Chapel Hill

While I was in North Carolina I was able to go to an orientation and tour of the University campus with Brandi.  It was so fun.  Most of the students at the orientation were there with their parents and fresh out of high school.  And there I was sitting with my 'baby face' daughter, (who is really almost 30years old), but the professor and all the others just assumed she was younger.  We giggled at some of comments he said while asking her some questions, and he reassured me about the safety of the campus for my daughter.
Anyway,  while walking around the campus I was just taking in the beautiful setting of this campus.
The trees are AMaZing.  Large and interesting to me.  The architecture of the buildings and walk ways are so cool.  I had never seen a Wisteria tree.  I couldn't figure out if it was a tree or a vine.  This corridor Brandi is standing in was so cool, formed by this tree.  I think this must be the type of tree that was on Ronna's blog, and they can grow them into chairs and stuff. 
There is so much history about this University that is interesting.  It's the oldest public university in the United States.  Founded in the 1700's during the civil war time.
The town of Chapel Hill is a cool little town too.
I'm really excited for Brandi to finish   her education there.


Pedaling said...

i think that is great.
let's all move here and be helpers!

sweet older sister said...

North Carolina really is beautiful! You took some nice pictures! And Brandi looks so very happy.

sandyseashells said...

I would love to move there!
If I could have things my way,
I would move Curt, Jen, and Greg, there tomarrow. but that's not how life works.
whaa whaaa. Maybe someday though.

Brandi said...

It was nice I was able to share this with you. Helpers are always welcomed. It's great to feel the love from all those that support me. Thanks.