Friday, June 11, 2010

weather forecast-'enjoy the cold rain, but you can't play outside today.'

Why am I walking Sugar in the rain
June 11th and it is
56 degrees, wet, and cold?  56 degrees?  Really?
the weather man says it's gonna last all week end.  Really?
Greg & I have 3 days off together.
No golf?  Really?
what did I do before I started golfing?  I cooked.  I ate.  I stared out the window.  I cooked.  I ate.
I got fat.  I cooked.  I ate.  whaaa whaaa whaa.
Let's see.... what can I cook?


Pedaling said...

ugghhh, sucky weather in june...grr

tj has a triathlon tomorrow --i guess ted and the girls will be watching him in the rain.


sweet older sister said...


the Iris is beautiful from the rain.

sweet older sister said...

Today is Sunday and the sun actually is up this morning. That makes me wake up soooo much better. Hope it is warming up for you too!

sweet older sister said...

Prescott is looking better all the time :)

Shauna said...

hahaha you're funny