Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I've gone TECHNO

So today I went to a "CLASS", yes a class
on how to use my DROiD.
I feel sorry for those poor young people who have to teach us people over 50 to use this stuff.  I also bought one of those headsets/bluetooth things you stick in your ear and walk around and look like your mumbling to yourself.    The real reason I bought it was so I can use it when I drive, that's when I do most of my calling, and I can also use it while I'm walking around my house and have my hands free and still be on the phone, paying bills, folding clothes, dusting, washing dishes, cooking dinner, go to the bathroom, and listen to my music.
2 years ago I didn't know how to turn a computer on.  If it hadn't been for Greg, I probably still wouldn't.  He bought me this laptop when we were in Carson City.  He bought it for me to stay more in touch with my family while we were traveling and so I could play with all the photographs I take.  Now last month he went out and bought me this droid thing.  I kept telling him I don't need it, I won't use all that stuff on there etc. but he bought it for me 2 days before I left for North Carolina.  Well as it turns out, it's great to travel with.  It's a mini computer in the palm of my hand.    Laptop, phone, music, blog, facebook, GPS, phonebook, e mail, flash light, compass, newspaper, and on and on.    So, thank you Greg.  You were right,  I do like it, and I am learning to use it.
It is a little "Addicting" though.
Oh yea,  the ironic thing about Greg insisting and buying these things for me, is--- that he doesn't have an e-mail, doesn't know how to turn on a computer, and doesn't even know how to text.  He just learned how to receive a text from me, and he has No Interest in learning how.  HahaHa!


Jen said...

Greg knows what his gal needs.

Krista said...

who needs a computer when you have a droid!

sweet older sister said...

That is soooo funny about Greg not using a computer, but making sure you have the up to date means of communicating with your family! Yay for GREG!!!! and hooray for you learning how to use these tools.

Gram said...

I can relate to your cartoon. The children, babies and teenagers, know far more about computers than grannies and some parents. You can learn this computer stuff-go for it.

Pedaling said...

I love techno toys....once i figure them out!