Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley 1875

invictus- latin meaning,- unconquerable, undefeated.
William Ernest Henley the 19th century poet wrote this poem in 1875.   He had tuberculosis of the bone and was very ill in the hospital when he wrote it.  I had never read it before.  It's interesting to me how poems and songs can be interpreted differently.  There is not just one meaning.  We interpret things we read, or hear, or see, or even smell, differently from each other I think depending on our own experiences in our life's.
How each of our minds 'process' things is very interesting to me.

What if your whole life as you know it stopped abruptly?  What if you had no one to take care of .  No job to go to.   No food to prepare for yourself.  No laundry to do. No where to go.
Just You, yourself, and your mind.  I think we would all have time to become different people. To see things differently.
Nelson Mandela is a very interesting person to me. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I've gone TECHNO

So today I went to a "CLASS", yes a class
on how to use my DROiD.
I feel sorry for those poor young people who have to teach us people over 50 to use this stuff.  I also bought one of those headsets/bluetooth things you stick in your ear and walk around and look like your mumbling to yourself.    The real reason I bought it was so I can use it when I drive, that's when I do most of my calling, and I can also use it while I'm walking around my house and have my hands free and still be on the phone, paying bills, folding clothes, dusting, washing dishes, cooking dinner, go to the bathroom, and listen to my music.
2 years ago I didn't know how to turn a computer on.  If it hadn't been for Greg, I probably still wouldn't.  He bought me this laptop when we were in Carson City.  He bought it for me to stay more in touch with my family while we were traveling and so I could play with all the photographs I take.  Now last month he went out and bought me this droid thing.  I kept telling him I don't need it, I won't use all that stuff on there etc. but he bought it for me 2 days before I left for North Carolina.  Well as it turns out, it's great to travel with.  It's a mini computer in the palm of my hand.    Laptop, phone, music, blog, facebook, GPS, phonebook, e mail, flash light, compass, newspaper, and on and on.    So, thank you Greg.  You were right,  I do like it, and I am learning to use it.
It is a little "Addicting" though.
Oh yea,  the ironic thing about Greg insisting and buying these things for me, is--- that he doesn't have an e-mail, doesn't know how to turn on a computer, and doesn't even know how to text.  He just learned how to receive a text from me, and he has No Interest in learning how.  HahaHa!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Gretchen Wilson&Merle Haggard-Politically Uncorrect

I think dad would like this.
Vote tuesday.  (Utah)

Happy Dad's.

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY  to the Father's of my children, and grandchildren. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why does the caged bird sing???

Maya Angelou - I know why the caged bird sings
A free bird leaps on the back of the wind
and floats downstream till the current ends
and dips his wing in the orange suns rays and dares to claim the sky.

But a bird that stalks down his narrow cage
can seldom see through his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with a fearful trill
of things unknown but longed for still
and his tune is heard on the distant hill
for the caged bird sings of freedom.

The free bird thinks of another breeze
and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn and he names the sky his own.

But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with a fearful trill
of things unknown but longed for still
and his tune is heard on the distant hill
for the caged bird sings of freedom

The other day David caught a bird, and kept it in his room for a few days.  He fed it, and cleaned up after it, and then he made a cage out of paper for it, and hung it in the middle of his room.  He released it back outside in a couple days, but he did enjoy the company of the bird.    As he was telling me this story of his bird this poem by maya angelou came to my mind.  I remember learning about it back in high school.
Now, years later as I read it, it takes on a different meaning.
Why does a caged bird sing?       Is it because it has HOPE and Faith of things unseen?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Life is pretty good...

Everybody's FINE.
A busy week end.
1st of all the baby got sick and needed to spend 2 days in the hospital.
She is home now and still recovering with some very tired parents.
These are the times I get home sick and wish that  I lived closer, to help.
My Carolina Girls had a lot going on also.
Lexi Lee
was baptised Friday and several family members were able to share this special event with her.
Great Grandma Lax, Me Mei, Grandma Merrilee, Aunt Sheila, Cousin Bailee, Papa Beals, Grandpa Tom-V,
Anna, Matt, and Brandi.  
I am so happy that she has a love of Christ, and is being taught correct principles
Even though is rained all week-end and was in the 60's.  Greg took me out golfing.  He could tell I was getting bored and antsy.   So, around 3:00 we got 9 holes in.  It was fun, just he and I.  We got rained on a little. Then we came home to a yummy pot roast.
I am Happy.

Friday, June 11, 2010

weather forecast-'enjoy the cold rain, but you can't play outside today.'

Why am I walking Sugar in the rain
June 11th and it is
56 degrees, wet, and cold?  56 degrees?  Really?
the weather man says it's gonna last all week end.  Really?
Greg & I have 3 days off together.
No golf?  Really?
what did I do before I started golfing?  I cooked.  I ate.  I stared out the window.  I cooked.  I ate.
I got fat.  I cooked.  I ate.  whaaa whaaa whaa.
Let's see.... what can I cook?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cool Campus, Amazing trees, Beautiful architecture. UNC-Chapel Hill

While I was in North Carolina I was able to go to an orientation and tour of the University campus with Brandi.  It was so fun.  Most of the students at the orientation were there with their parents and fresh out of high school.  And there I was sitting with my 'baby face' daughter, (who is really almost 30years old), but the professor and all the others just assumed she was younger.  We giggled at some of comments he said while asking her some questions, and he reassured me about the safety of the campus for my daughter.
Anyway,  while walking around the campus I was just taking in the beautiful setting of this campus.
The trees are AMaZing.  Large and interesting to me.  The architecture of the buildings and walk ways are so cool.  I had never seen a Wisteria tree.  I couldn't figure out if it was a tree or a vine.  This corridor Brandi is standing in was so cool, formed by this tree.  I think this must be the type of tree that was on Ronna's blog, and they can grow them into chairs and stuff. 
There is so much history about this University that is interesting.  It's the oldest public university in the United States.  Founded in the 1700's during the civil war time.
The town of Chapel Hill is a cool little town too.
I'm really excited for Brandi to finish   her education there.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Today is my mom's birthday,
and my dad's death day.
It's been a year since his passing.
My mom is such a wonderful example of strength and love. 
I have many happy thoughts running through my head today.

(I wish I could express myself better in writing.  bye-)

Friday, June 4, 2010

quick trip

A quick trip down to Mesa. 
I got to be with my mom and see my kids.
I love Arizona. 
I will probably retire there.  But not in the Phoenix area.  It's too hot, too crowded, too much asphalt, and too many block walls.   Flagstaff,  Prescott, or Payson area are my kind of towns.
I was glad I got to see some of my family members while I was there.
Me and Mom always have fun together and make each other laugh.  I give her a hard time sometimes and tease her a lot.  She is such a strong wonderful woman.
(I have more pictures, but they're in my 'Droid' and I'm still learning how to download,  find, and retrieve them.  It's Fun and Frustrating to learn.)